Responsible Gaming Policy
Gambling is a form of entertainment, it is vital that you balance gambling with other activities. Gambling responsibly is enjoyable and fun always keeping in min a reasonable time and money limit.
We are always committed to doing everything possible to offer an enjoyable gaming experience and also encourage you to play responsibly. To ensure this we provide useful tools to help you enjoy safe and manageable play.
Protecting minors
18 +
It is illegal for anyone under 18 to open an account or gamble on the website. We take stringent measures to ensure that only people of legal age can become our customers and may also request proof of age from any customer and suspend their account until the adequate verification is done.
Upon registration You will also need to accept our Age Verification policy.
If you share your computer or mobile with children always take the necessary precautions to protect your username and password. There is also software available that can guide you in these cases.
Warning Signs
- Are you preoccupied with gambling?
- Do you spent more money than you can afford?
- Do you find it hard to manage or stop your gambling?
- Do you argue with family and friends about gambling?
- Do you lie about how much you gamble or hide it?
- Do you spend a lot of time gambling?
- Do you borrow money to gamble, not pay your bills?
- Do you neglect your other responsibilities or people around you?
- Do you feel worried, depressed or irritable?
If you are still unsure take our Self-Assessment Test.
Are You Responsible?
Take the Test! – Learn to recognise a problem
To assess and better understand your current levels of play, we encourage you to take this Self-Assessment test as this should guide you in identifying whether to modify your gambling behaviour or whether to seek any assistance. You can always contact our customer support for any further help.
Limit Your Account
Set Deposit Limit
Manage your spending by setting daily, weekly, monthly limits by contacting our Customer Support. Limits may be immediately decreased at any time. You may also increase your limit which will take effect in 24hours from your request. Never increase your limit because you have lost money, carefully consider if you can afford to do so.
Set Session Limit
You also have an option to take control of the time spent playing. You may choose and decide on the duration of your session by contacting our Customer Support.
Reality Check
In order to help you control you gambling you can activate an alert by contacting our Customer Support and keep track of every hour you spend gambling and remind you of how long you’ve been playing for and also your spending.
Self- Exclusion
If you feel that your gambling has become problematic, please consider self-excluding by contacting our Customer Support. .
Definite Exclusion - Take a time-out for 179 days or less!
If you feel like taking some time away from gambling for any reason, you can also definitely exclude yourself for some time. You can do so by contacting customer support. In such case, customer support will contact you to transfer any remaining funds on your account. Once a definite self-exclusion applies you will not be able to log-in to your account. You can re-open the account at any time by contacting customer support wherein a 24 hour cool off period shall apply. Once the definite self-exclusion period lapses your account will be activated again. We will contact You with a view to returning any remaining funds held in account balances in line with Your T&Cs.
Indefinite Exclusion – 180 days or more
This shall prevent you from gambling with us indefinitely. You can re-activate the account at any time by contacting customer support wherein a 24 hour cool off period shall apply. Re-activation in this case is subject to further review and approval.
Suspend Account
If you want to close your account for any other reason you can use our suspend account functionality.
Help organisations
Customers experiencing gambling problems as well as others who have been affected by problem gaming should seek help. We suggest you contact our customer support for help and assistance as well as consider contacting any of these recognised organisations: